Largo Peony
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Heirloom. Large and rounded soft pink guard petals suffused pink and tipped and edged in yellow; carpels tipped pink, an altogether appealing bloom. Undoubtedly, one of the best Japanese type blooms. Gorgeous in a row. (Vories 1929) Lactiflora
Paula Fay Peony
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Semi-double; medium pink and floriferous. Medium height, upright stems, flowers are close to the foliage; Seedling of Bravura, therefore an advanced-generation hybrid; useable fertility, with Moonrise produced Salmon Dream, Royal Rose and similarly pastel colors. Gold Medal 1988. (Fay, 1968) Hybrid
Mons Jules Elie
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Heirloom. A mid-season bloomer known for its extensive usage in the cut flower industry. This pink bomb is very fragrant with its full double blooms. A classic since 1888, its flowers flow freely. May need some support, but beautiful in a cottage garden. (Crousse, 1888) Lactiflora
Mischief Peony
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Late blooming single (most singles are early) of apple blossom shades of pink, graceful in form and carriage, and does not lose its attractiveness as the bloom ages. Shows Japanese parentage in its plant habit. (Auten, 1925) Lactiflora
Many Happy Returns Peony
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NEW FOR 2024
Mid-season hybrid, Japanese type to bomb, medium height. A profuse bloomer with brick red blooms with yellow-edged collar petalodes highlighting the color. Abundant flowers create a center ball. The plant is upright and increases fast. Gold Medal 2007.Award of Landscape Merit 2009. (Hollingsworth, 1986) Hybrid
Mr. Ed Peony
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Blooms midseason with a high center form and a large bloom. Vigorous yearly growth with strong stems. Fragrant, Mr. Ed will produce pink and white flowers on the same bush. (Klehm, 1980) Lactiflora
Paul M Wild Peony
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A velvety ruby red that is outstanding in the garden. It's double, 6-inch blooms show off on sturdy 36" stems blooms late mid-season. Stems may bend in heavy rain and when in full bloom. This red will not fade and shows itself off with it's spectactular blooms and pleasant fragrance. (Wild & Son, 1964) Lactiflora
Krinkled White Peony
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Heirloom. Pure white, single, midseason. Large, white, crepe-paper petals with lovely golden stamens. Stands up in the rain. Spectacular when planted in a row! Award of Landscape Merit (Brand, 1928) Lactiflora
Miss America Peony
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NEW FOR 2024
This white, semi-double opens blush, then fades to white. Early with a lovely fragrance. Very large flower of good substance. Some flowers develop center petals in wet season. Average height is 36 inches, strong stems with many flowers. A peony of the highest quality. Gold Medal 1956, 1971. Best in Show, 1980. (Mann, VanSteen, 1936) Lactiflora
Lady Alexandra Duff Peony
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NEW FOR 2024
Heirloom. Semi-double to double; blush pink, luxurious flowers. Mild fragrance. Named after royalty, Lady Alexandra Duff was the granddaughter of Queen Alexandra. She was born in 1891, just a child when Kelway named his famous peony. Fall color. Pollen and seeds.(Kelway 1902)